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God's Transforming Love - by Bro. Glenn dela Cruz

The love of God is not simply an abstract idea, a distant concept, or a fleeting emotion—it is the most profound force that transforms, heals, and makes whole. The entirety of salvation history, from the creation of humanity to the redemptive sacrifice of Christ, points to this love, which seeks to restore the fallen, renew the broken, and draw all creation into divine life. In this reflection, we will explore the nature of God's transforming love, grounding it in Scripture, Catechesis, and Church teaching, while reflecting on its impact on the human heart. The Divine Initiative: God’s Love in Creation From the beginning, God's love is the source of all creation. The Book of Genesis recounts how God spoke the universe into existence, creating the world out of love and calling it good (cf. Genesis 1:31). Humanity, created in the image and likeness of God (cf. Genesis 1:27), is the pinnacle of this divine act. It is here that we first glimpse the profound dignity and value that G

Embracing the Seed of Growth

"In every challenge there's a seed of growth waiting to be nurtured"

The Triumph of Love: Reflecting on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - by Bro. Glenn dela Cruz

 Every year on September 14, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, a solemn reminder of the profound mystery of our salvation. On this day, we are invited not only to honor the instrument of Christ’s victory but also to reflect on its deep meaning in our daily lives. The cross is often seen as a symbol of suffering and defeat, yet in Christianity, it becomes the sign of ultimate triumph and love. The Gospel of John tells us, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). The cross is not just an emblem of Christ's sacrifice; it is the means by which salvation was made available to all of humanity. The Cross: The Throne of God’s Love In the eyes of the world, the cross was an object of shame and humiliation. Jesus, the Messiah, was crucified—a form of execution reserved for criminals. But what the world saw as defeat was, in fact, God's great act of redemptio

Nurturing the Faith: The Vital Role of Catechesis - by Bro. Glenn dela Cruz

   Catechesis, the process of teaching and deepening one's faith, is central to the mission of the Church. More than just imparting knowledge, it forms disciples who live and share the Gospel. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) defines it, catechesis is "an education in the faith... imparted in an organic and systematic way, with a view to initiating the hearers into the fullness of Christian life" (CCC 5). The Role of Catechesis Rooted in Jesus’ command to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19-20), catechesis draws its authority from Christ. Its aim, as stated in Catechesi Tradendae, is to foster an "intimacy with Jesus Christ" (CT 5). Catechesis is about more than doctrine—it’s about leading believers into a personal relationship with Christ. The catechist plays a critical role as a witness to the faith. The General Directory for Catechesis teaches that catechists "live their faith in such a way that they can communicate it t