Be Vigilant and Prepared - by Bro. Glenn dela Cruz

"And so you must be vigilant, because you do not know the day or the hour." - Matthew 25:13

In the Gospel of Matthew 25:1-13, Jesus tells the parable of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom. Five of them were wise, and five were unprepared. The wise ones brought enough oil for their lamps, while the others ran out. When the bridegroom arrived at an unexpected hour, those without oil were left scrambling, and it was too late for them to enter the wedding feast.

The lesson of this parable is clear: we do not know the exact time of the Lord's coming, so we must always be ready. But instead of worrying or being anxious, this readiness should bring us peace and joy. Being ready does not mean we are always anxious or fearful, but that we are happy and content in our relationship with God, knowing that whatever happens, He is with us.

The "watchfulness" that Jesus speaks of is a reminder to keep our lamps burning—not to wear us out, but to show the light of our faith. Each day, whether in small or big ways, contributes to our preparation. Simple prayers, helping others, and deepening our relationship with God are ways to keep our lamps shining brightly.

In this way, we no longer need to worry about when the Lord will come. Instead, we can live with enthusiasm and confidence, knowing that whenever He arrives, we are fully prepared and ready to welcome Him with joy. Not out of fear, but out of the joy of seeing our Lord whom we have long awaited.

So, let us continue our lives with joy and peace. Let us always be ready, not as a burden, but as a blessing. For each day that we remain faithful in our faith, we gradually become a light in the world, ready to welcome our Lord with hearts full of hope and love.


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