"Taking a Stand for the Truth" - by Bro. Glenn dela Cruz

Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist
Gospel: Mark 6:17-29

In the Gospel of Mark, we witness the story of the death of St. John the Baptist at the hands of King Herod. This narrative presents a profound conflict—a struggle between truth and falsehood, between good and evil. John the Baptist is a portrait of courage and steadfastness in the face of lies and wickedness. He was unafraid to speak out against the wrongdoings of Herod and Herodias, even at the cost of his life.

The first lesson we can draw from this story is the importance of standing firm in the truth. It is easy to turn a blind eye and remain silent when the truth is being suppressed, but a true follower of Christ is called to stand up against evil. John the Baptist stood firm even though he knew it might cost him his life. Our commitment to the truth should be the same in our own time. In the face of challenges—corruption, lies, false teachings, and immoral living—we are called to be the light and salt of the world.

Secondly, we see Herod's weakness in the Gospel. Although he listened to John the Baptist and knew him to be a righteous man, he still chose evil because of his weakness and fear of others' opinions. Our actions have consequences. Choosing good requires courage and strength, especially when it is unpopular or opposed by the majority. The story of St. John the Baptist reminds us that goodness, even when accompanied by sacrifice, carries a blessing from God.

More than just the story of a murder, the Gospel teaches us about courage—courage to stand up for God and His teachings, even if it brings persecution or death. Not everyone is called to martyrdom like St. John the Baptist, but we are all called to be faithful and true to our faith, in both small and great matters.

In the end, true victory is achieved not through power or wealth, but by living in accordance with truth and goodness. St. John the Baptist showed that a life filled with courage and a stand for God is a life of true significance.


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